Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Haiti Thoughts - Wyatt

A Devotional thought written on our summmer D2S trip to Haiti by Wyatt. 

In the book we have been reading on this Haiti trip there is a passage that says this: 

"Are you living with regret or self-hatred for what you've done in the past? Accept Jesus's payment for sin." 

This line stopped my in my tracks. I reread it. Then read it once more. Yes. Yes, I am. This is one of my biggest struggles and a foothold that the devil uses to gain traction in my life. A lot of times I find myself thinking about where I've been and things I've done. Things I'm ashamed of and embarrassed by, choices I've made that have changed my life and altered the direction of it. I get caught in the rut of thinking that I'm not worthy or that I'm not good enough, that I don't deserve God's grace and His goodness. But the reality is that I'm forgiven. My sins have been paid for. God's grace is sufficient. To believe anything else neglects the work that was done on the cross. 

I'm not who I was. I'm not defined by where I've been. I'm more than my past mistakes. As I dwelled on these thoughts, I was reminded of Psalm 34:5, "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." 

Thank you, Jesus, that my identity is in you and not in my past shame. 

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