Saturday, March 18, 2017

D2S 2017 Preview - Dare2Serve Haiti

In July of 2017 we will be returning to Pignon, Haiti to serve with Jerusalem Baptist Church and their ministry there. High school students and leaders will finish the expansion of a church building which our adult team began this March and teach English classes. The team will also be putting on a Vacation Bible School in a village outside of Pignon.  Check out the F.A.Q. and Quick Facts below for more information! Also, check out the recap video from last year to see a little bit of what one of our Dare2Serve trips to Haiti looks like.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do we go to Haiti every year?

Several reasons. Having an ongoing relationship with a ministry partner, Pastor Jephthe Lucien, and Jerusalem Baptist Church in Pignon, Haiti is the first. Haiti is also one of the closest countries to the eastern United States that has third world poverty; exposing students to those who have little or nothing is one of the primary motivations of the trip. These first two reasons along with a good track-record of safety and fruitfulness keep us going back! 

Is a Mission trip to Haiti safe?

Traveling abroad is never 100% safe, but we do everything we can to protect the health and safety of our team. We stay in a wall-enclosed compound at night and have formulated dietary and procedural precautions over the last 20+ trips to Haiti that Berean Baptist Church has taken and have always returned as a whole team safe and sound. 

What will we eat and drink?

We eat food prepared by trained cooks who go to great efforts to make sure the food is prepared in a safe manner. Lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, rice, bread, and beans! We only drink liquids that have come from a manufactured or filtered source. 

How much does the trip cost?

See Below. 

Is there still room on this trip?

We are filling-up quick, but there is still time to be part of this life changing experience. Sign-up Today! 

Who: 9-12th Grade Students
When: Friday, July 7 til Monday, July 17
Why: To share and show Jesus to the people of Haiti
Cost$1,350 ($100 Deposit and Application Due by April 5 - Click to Make a Payment)
Notes: Immunizations and Passport required (Start today!)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

D2S 2017 Preview - Reach Mansfield

Our first Dare2Serve trip of summer 2017 will be Reach Mansfield. This trip is open to rising 9th graders through graduating seniors. This trip is designed for maximum local impact in our Mansfield community both in terms of service projects and outreach. This local trip will build off of the great success of our KidZone trip in Mansfield last year (see video below). Our goal is to see mission as not just something you do across an ocean with other cultures but something you do everyday wherever God has you. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section below for more information!


Why are we staying in Mansfield for a "Mission Trip?"

Missions does not just exist in faraway countries among people who look or speak differently from you. Mission is most important in your everyday life, in your hometown. Our hope is that Reach Mansfield is a catalyst for students to begin engaging their own community on mission for the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). As Jesus shared with His disciples, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The first three places were all within walking distance of a 1st century Christian. Reach Mansfield is all about equipping students to engage their local community with love through service in Jesus' name.

What are some of the things we will be doing?

Reach Mansfield will be a buffet of ministry and service opportunities. We will most likely be helping put on the Mega Sports & Arts Camp, building a community garden, doing home repairs/renovations, SURGE Center improvements, beautification around the city and more! There will also be time every day for personal devotion, team building, worship, and book discussions. We will be having a team day at Pleasant Hill Lake to just have fun and celebrate what God has done throughout the week.

What will a normal day look like?

No day will be the same. But every day will have certain rhythms that will carry through the entire week. We will start everyday with quiet time with the Lord, knowing that we cannot serve well (pour out) unless we have been filled up. We will eat breakfast and then be sent off in teams to various ministry/service projects. In the afternoon we will return to eat, clean-up and get ready to serve at Mega Sports & Arts Camp. After we close up there, we will have team time back at the church with worship, the days recap and a book study.

Why do I have to pay for a local outreach?

The cost for the trip covers several things. Obviously, providing meals and transportation is not free, so this is a largely where the money goes. We will be using some of the payments to help support the ministry and projects we will be doing locally as a team. Your trip payment also covers the D2S Book, D2S T-Shirt, and also all costs for an epic team retreat day at Pleasant Valley Lake.

Who: 8-12th Grade Students
Where: Mansfield, OH (Lodging is at Berean Baptist Church)
When: 6:00pm on Sunday, June 18 til 10:00pm on Friday, June 23
Why: To REACH Mansfield with the love of Christ!
Cost: $100 ($20 Deposit and Application due by April 5)