One weekend of fun, friends, and Jesus from 5:30pm, January 19 to 4:00pm on Sunday, January 21.
Why Should I go?
It is one of THE BEST ways to build relationships with other students and especially your small group and leaders! It is a great time to get away from the regular rhythms of life to have fun and seek Jesus together! AND THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THE CASTLE!
Where is the High School Winter Retreat?
Where is the High School Winter Retreat?
The Castle. A retreat center in Franklin, PA. Check out their Facebook page (
How much does it cost?
$65. But scholarships are available!
How do we get there?
We will be taking a Coach Bus this year! Be prepared to ride in style. There may be a late van coming up Saturday if you have a conflict on Friday night!
What should I bring?
Definitely a sleeping bag or bedding, your Bible, and warm clothing as well of a few other things. Full packing list is available on the registration form!
I have some more questions...
Contact Stacey at or Pastor Phil at
How to I sign-up?
- Fill-out and hand-in a Registration Form with payment (Click Here to Print Form)
- Fill-out and hand-in a Consent and Release From (Click Here)
*Forms and payment can be turned in in-person or mailed to:
Berean Baptist Church
ATTN: Stacey Casey
2145 Middle Bellville Rd
Mansfield, OH 44904
ATTN: Stacey Casey
2145 Middle Bellville Rd
Mansfield, OH 44904