Some devotional thoughts of reflection from one of the students on our Haiti mission trip.
The everyday mission is a concept that I've really become passionate about. Reaching out into my community of friends, family, and others with whom I already have a relationship and sharing Jesus is my definition of everyday mission.
The past few months I've been working to find a way to do this well. I think it's slightly funny that God has chosen to teach me how to serve at home on an international mission trip. In Haiti God has been teaching me to love him in everyday life. The issue is when I allow my everyday life to become mundane. I get caught in the routine of things and forget that I can glorify God with the "unimportant" things. God wants me to be filled with passion. I can receive this passion through a growing relationship with him. God has been teaching me to seek this.
Lastly God has been teaching me that He is the leader. This is a simple truth, but I struggle to remember. I often get ahead of things by thinking "what if I screw up God's plan?" Or " what can I do to be more like Christ?". The issue with these thoughts are that they are about me. I lose sight of who God is. God is mighty, loving, and big. When I let God lead and place my absolute trust in him He uses that in ways I could never believe. He turns the boring things of life into opportunities to serve, glorify, and exalt His name.
God wants me to serve and seek Him now. Whether I'm in Haiti or Mansfield the call is the same. When we are in Christ, we are to run hard after God in his strength.